As I mentioned in my previous post, I am researching my relatives: DWYER, Agnes, Mary Agnes and Julia - 3 sisters sent from Liverpool to Montreal. I now have their ship records confirming the dates of arrival in Montreal as in 1890 and 1892 respectively. I have other family records from around 1900 and after.
I am trying to confirm where these girls were placed when they landed in Montreal. Family rumour has it they might have gone to St. Patrick’s Orphan home or to St. Bridget’s Refuge which were near St. Patrick’s Basilica on Dorchester St. or de la Gauchitiere St. These homes no longer exist nor do the buildings.
Does anyone have any ideas where I can get information on where the girls were placed upon arrival in Montreal and where they may have been indentured. I have a huge gap between 1890-1892 arrival and around 1900. Where were they in those years?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.