What is new?
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The British Home Children Advocacy & Research Association (BHCARA) has taken on a new name. From July 1st, 2021 it will move forward as "Home Children Canada" - which is a new government-registered not-for-profit organization with an elected board of directors. The name of our very well-known Facebook group (BHCARA) cannot be changed due to FB policies. Therefore it will continue to run - as a sub-group of our new Facebook page "Home Children Canada". The BHCARA name will no longer be used outside of the Facebook group.
The family of the late David Lorente, who founded the original "Home Children Canada", has permitted us to use their father's former organization's name, and have given their blessing. The changes are reflective of our growth, and the need to ensure our work survives the test of time. As we move forward, Home Children Canada strives to:
Establish a permanent organization in Canada that represents the Home Children across the world.
Establish a head office and a Home Child Museum
Become a recognized Canadian charity
Enable HCC to become sustainable, protecting our legacy.
Enable us to accept donations and to apply for funding and grants.
Provide funding for producing documentaries and films.
Our logo has been trademarked to HCC.
Changes will be reflected on this website only, our BHC in Canada website will remain the same. Our highly successful Facebook page, "British Home Children Advocacy & Research Association" will continue running, as always, for free research help and education. The business part of BHCARA will now be conducted through HCC. BHCARA will continue running as a program of HCC.